I was browsing blogs and ran across http://corruptionyouth.blogspot.com/
Its nothing interesting to me, but I just wanted to give credit to the person who I am stealing their little daily message thingy at the end of her post.
So I will just go straight to that...
Listening to: some techno music that a friend is working on. Its actually pretty good and im not a huge techno fan..
Watching: Napoleon Dynomite hopefully tonight. I need a good laugh
Playing: With any luck I wont be gaming tonight.. but most likely i'll be playing Counterstrike
Feeling: Lonely.. i need to be around other ppl, just to bullshit and talk with someone other then myself
Daily Goal: Call Jess and borrow Napoleon Dynomite. hopefully she will want to watch it with me.
Weekly Goal: Find a place to meet new ppl. Just because its dark, doesn't mean i have to go home.... I'm not 11!
Relationship Status: Jess is just a friend but I hope to persue that friendship some more since I just met her.
Am suddenly wanting: to buy some subs for my car.. something cheap tho.
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