Friday, January 07, 2005

Its like I am in buisiness school.

I have been offerend from my bossmom to be promoted from just a web developer to management over the XM Radio line of the buisiness. That would mean I would be dealing with setting prices, keeping stock, keeping track of promo's ect. Currently I know very little about it but my bossmom is more then happy to teach me the secrets of buisiness. She is a workaholic and for the past 8 years she has sucessfully run the show for the entire company so she is more then happy to show me what she does to make it work.
I really like XM and I need the money so right now I am going for it. I have always felt number crunshing tasks as extra boring, and I am worried that I will end up a work-aholic my my mom.... but I guess thats not a terrible thing. On top of that my normal web job is in need of work so if I could just wake myself up early enough I could be working more then 30 hours a week for a change.
So yesterday was much better then I was expecting. My friend Ri (abreviated cuz its secret!) called me after work and wanted to go bullshit like we normally do. So after I got my groceries I met him over at Eds house and we went off to huntsville to eat at Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. It was good catching up since we havent hung out in weeks, plus talking to someone other then myself was just what I needed. After that we went to Best Buy where Ed bought Troy on DVD because he thought it was a good movie when he rented it. I never saw it so i borrowed it and watched it after we called it a night.
And he was right.. that movie was a lot better then what I was expecting. I like the way they told both sides of the war and showed how kingdoms of people who were so alike faught over the stupidest of things. It gave a sense of honor and respect even between enemies that I have never seen before. Plus the action scenes were quite good and the heros in the movie were spectacular. The only problem was that the one guy who should have died never did... I guess I shouldn't spoil it but if you saw it then you know who I am talking about.

Now its Friday!
I hope something comes up... no reason to go crazy this weekend.

Listening to: my punk CD's. They have literally taken a back seat to XM radio, but not tonight!

Watching: after myself. No drinking and driving tonight you fool!

Playing: D2r Conquest if I have the time. I need to update it

Feeling: Better in general. :D

Daily Goal: Ask a girl for her number

Weekly Goal: meet new ppl and get a date

Relationship Status: Im glad i have friends I can still hang out with on the weekdays. I shouldnt forget that.

Am suddenly wanting: work more... wtf?!


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