i dunno
I am just bored today. I really don't want to do any work right now and I am tired of chatting with D2r, browsing fansites and forums, and reading daily comics and blogs. Although today D2r posted a link to some science discovery: "Martian biology is likely alive and well on the red planet, but tucked away in caves or dwelling underground, sustained by pockets of water."
And I also read about Dawn of War getting an expansion with Imperial Guard, called Dawn of War:Winter Assault.. I wish they did something other then the IG, but whatever.. I am still getting it when it comes out in the fall.
I built a new soda pyramid. Its only a matter of time before someone makes me take it down, but at least its cleaner then just having them stacked all over! I'l upload a pic when I get home.
Lets see... tonight I am gonna use that coupon to get my oil changed. My "check engine light" turned on Monday after I put in some new gas, which makes me worry. After that I guess I am headed home to get my gym cloths and then head out there. I don't know what to do after that.... Maybe I will just mull around outside the apartment if its still bright out... try and talk to some neighbors.
I hung out with Eddie and Richard last night so thats not too bad. I told them about my idea to move back to California, but of course they didn't like that so much. They are both still attached to their ol' ladies while I am still single. But I keep my chin up and laugh it off....thats all I can do
so i guess I killed enough time to get some work done before I go do all of that.
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