Thursday, February 10, 2005

Sweet home, California?


Every passing day I feel like I don't belong in Alabama. It was funny when I moved here everyone at school acted like I was from a different country. They laughed at my "accent" and everyone asked if I surfed. They all didn't seem to realize that California is as wide as Alabama and that where I lived was in the middle of the desert. The coast was a farther drive then Mississippi. And then after being here for 4 years I visited my friend at San Jose State who was living in the International Dorm. All of the residents there were from another country or had studied over seas, and all either had an unusual accent or were locals. Yet when I showed up from Alabama they were asking me a 100 questions about what its like as if it is another country over here. And they would laugh AT ME anytime I let slip a Southern word or twang. Now I belonged there. I could live there. Even though it was a city, it was beutiful and peaceful to me. The women were pritty, and friendly. All was good.... Why did I have to move. I could have lived in San Jose and went to school with Alan. Its the friggin Scilicon Vally! Thats like the habitat of game developers like me. Who knows what I could have done with that kind of education and job opertunities. It really is like another world here. Everything goes slower. Living is cheaper, so there is no reason to get a high paying job. Most women I meet are either devote Christians with a sheltered life, or mothers before they could legally drink. The guys around here like big muddy trucks and killing everything that doesn't walk on 2 legs. This is a true quote I heard not long ago "All there is to do around here is drink, get high, and fuck." ......I guess thats why I drink so much now.

I just talked to my "old friends" Erik and Blake and they are going to share an apartment in Long Beach, and go to grad school there....


My Aunt Lauri, Uncle Donald, Grandma Mavis, and my only 2 Cousins all moved from Virginia back to California with my other Aunt this year. They live in Oxnard which is a beutiful modern city not far from the coast only a few hours from my hometown. And of course my Grandma Dottie still lives in Lancaster... the desert city were I was born and raised.

I keep visiting every other year... each time even more fun then the last. Probably because Alabama is becoming so dull. The only things keeping me here is my family.

But I am a Californian....I belong in California!!!!

So let it be written. So let it be done!

Within 5 years I will be living in California. I don't care how.


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