rant: I haven't gone out to the bars or clubs in over a month now. I've only hung out with Ed and Richard like twice in a while, and the only time I leave the house has been for work, errands, or trips to play Warhammer in Hunstville. I currently have no life and I guess I am hiding from something. Plus my sleeping habits are getting worse and I sleep 9+ hrs a day and am always tired. I need more energy, I need to work out, I need to get out of the house.. wtf is my problem? I will be going to Atlanta in a couple weeks.. maybe to hang out with a guy I chat with while im at the gaming convention. Stupid Warhammer is taking over a lot of my time... and of course I still play PC games all of the damn time. I need to take a break form one thing or the other... but will I ? I doubt it.... I am too comfortable.... I am not making enough money because I come in to work late, I need to be more responsible wtf wtf wtf /rant
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