hey gay boy
One thing i didnt mention about being at the bar saturday was that when bron and brie were having issue with their x-friend, the x-friend's friend passed me when I was going to the bathroom and slurred out the words "hey gay boy" She was a total drunken biatch and I didn't really take her words to heart but it still makes me think, wtf. Why do ppl always think I am gay?! It's sad that I have been hit on by guys more then I have been hit on by girls... so wtf... what is it about me?! I am not even one of those metrosexual guys who dress and act like a typical gay person. I mean, sure I am sensitive and caring and don't act like a typical jackass male, but I likes me the ladies! Anyway, i guess that is something I need to work on because I don't want my potential perfect girl to even think for a second that "If he was gay I know the perfect guy for him." Because I have heard that shit too.
Although I think a "hey nerd boy" would hav hurt my feelings even more. Later that night that girl smarted off to just about every one of the regulars and is now hated by all. They call her leatherface because she has one of those real god awful mega tans.
Now a quick disclaimer.. Please understand that I have nothing against gay people. I never hesitate to be their friend any more then I would with a straight guy or girl. I just don't want to be, or be mistaken for a homosexual.
Also a good thing to note was that I only drank 3 beers that night and then started drinking coke! On purpose! *GASP*
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