Its been 2 days since my home computer has been FUBAR. If I take anything away from this, its that I have realized how little of a life I have without my computer to pass the time. I have tried calling Jess Monday and Tuesday but didn't get an answer. If I get nothing tonight I will call up Ed and Ric to get somethin going. I almost ran over Ric yesterday when he was crossing the street while I was getting lunch. Looked like a monkey with his arms in the air hollerin at me. I didn't notice it was him until I was too far to wave back, but it was still a funny image. I basically sat around and watched TV, cleaning house. I drove around for a while, but didnt stop anywhere.
Desparate times call for desparate mesure... I really need to go somewhere were nerdy girls hang out! Where would that be? The library, the book store!? Like I said before, I don't do books. But at least the book store has a coffee shop and those flashy books with pictures in em (magazines). Maybe a music store? I know a bit about music now, so maybe if a girl liked the same bands we could chat. How bout the mall? No... that place sucks. Just clothing/shoe stores, and a few food vendors and haircut places. Although I do need a haircut, new shoe laces, new jeans and shirts... but shoping is the last thing I want to do right now. Maybe I just need to do more stuff outside in general... find the working girl at a restaraunt, movie snack counter, fast food server.. just any place out of the vicinity of my office and apartment. Maybe I should try going back to the gym some. There were a few potential girls there that I just never had the opertunity to talk to. I could also try hanging at bars on the weekdays, but thats just a bit extreme. Plus I need to get away from those type of ppl.
So this is the plan for tonight. Call Jes and if shes not there again then I will go out on my own. First I should get a change of clothes and go to the gym, play with my parents dog while im out there, and talk to any chicks that are there if I can. Then head home change again and go to the mall. There i can hit the music store, get some clean shoe laces, buy a couple shirts and some jeans, and then get a haircut if there is a hot hairsylist. After that I'll go to books a million and browse a couple magazines, and then run off to walmart to buy the groceries that I need to survive another month. By that time I should have like 3 girlfriends and a baby on the way!
BUT if im lucky, Dwayne will come in, fix my computer before the day is over, and I won't have to put up with any of that. Hehe.
Whatcha think?
Listening to: Punk at work, XM the rest of the time :D
Watching: a blank computer screen
Playing: Solitare at work, MUST FIX MY PUTER!
Feeling: hopeless
Daily Goal: mainly to get things done, but I want some digits if I can get that lucky
Weekly Goal: spend my freetime productively. It doesn't matter how!
Relationship Status: (blank, for a reason)
Am suddenly wanting: show someone affection.... I have so much to give
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