well that was fun
So now that I am the official XM guy at the office, they have been throwing all of the tech support issues with customers at me. That means I answer phone calls, talk to customers in the showroon and be the person to call technical support if there is an issue. Ooodles of fun! I had my first major issue today already. I spent about 4 hours working on one problem from a customer. He was very understanding and patient while I did everything I could to deal with the issue. I was on the phone about 6 times with the xm technical support where they gave me conflicting answers each time. But in the end, I solved his problem, as well as the 2 problems that sprouted out of it from the xm support. He left satisfied and wanted to come back to me if he ever had any problems instead of calling xm tech support. So what I am saying is that it was an excellent experience because I learned a lot about the product compatability, and other techniocal support issues. And to top things off, I got to open up our first MIFi and play with it. If we get that subscribed and I get to run around and test it, its going to be awsome. There is so many things it can do, I can't wait to play with it! Not much has happened out of work. I need to get up at 5:30 tommorow so I can go to the tournament in Memphis. It should be fun although I am not too excited about it. I haven't play 40k in several weeks now. Im especially not excited about getting up so early. But that also means that I wont be going to the bar tonight or tommorow, although i really want too. First I need to make a tournment army list and pack it up. then I will head out and listen to the band playin at shakers, choi!
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