3 huzzah's for the mail man!
I just got my tax return in the mail today and I must say I a giddy about spending it. The question of the day is what should I spend it on?
1. New tires. I can see the metal on a couple of my tires but I could probably stretch it out another month before I get a flat going 85 on the highway. I do have rainy day savings in case this does happen so I'm not too worried about it.
2. New clothes. I hate shopping for clothes. People who get their clothes from the Salvation Army probably dress better then I do. I think this shirt I am wearing right now is from California... ya that's like 6 years ago at least. I am surprised that no one has called those queer-eye guys on me yet. I do need some help!
3. New graphics card. Because my computer is never powerful enough! For those who don't know me I spend about 90% of my waking hours in front of a computer so its pretty important.
4. Save it. I need to hold on to as much money as I can until I find a new job.
5. BOOZE. Blowing money at the bar is an easy thing for me to do and I haven't done it in a while. I just wish I had someone to go with (my redneck friends don't like bars!?), or a date to throw money at.
6. Go on a trip. I love to travel but I haven't gone anywhere this year except Atlanta. I can either go to California and visit my old friends, or go to Orlando for an annual meeting of online gaming buddies. Both ideas sound tempting.
7. Give everyone who replies to this thread a steak from http://www.stockyards.com/
Seriously though I will probably do #1 and #2 soon and then #4 and #5 with what's left. #3 and #6 should wait until after I get a new job.
Listening to: The comedy channel on XM... cuz I need a good laugh
Watching: the clock
Playing: as the Mechanic. I changed 2 tires on my Mom's van and jumped a ladies car this week, while at work. And I enjoyed it.
Feeling: like I am so far behind
Daily Goal: be productive
Weekly Goal: find a job
Relationship Status: lets just say I have better chances with finding a job over finding a girl that I want to date.
Am suddenly wanting: to: go outside... like right now
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