new job
This might be it.... I might be looking at a new day job A real job. A more then 8k a year job. Actually closer to 15k for only 3 months. From what the description is, it wont be easy.. far from it. BUT it will be doing 3D animations and digital presetations of hardware from NASA. Thats right, the nations government program to explore space could soon be on my name tag, and my resume. I am already negotiating a deal with the manager and I could start as soon as next week! There is no goofing around about this one.. I REALLY need to give it eveything I have. If they like me after 3 months, it's possible this could be permanant. I know its not in California like I planned, but who knows where this could lead.. this may be the expereince I need to land me that west coast job anyway.
so umm, let me express how I am feeling about this in 2 words.....
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