Monday, March 28, 2005

freak show

As a youngin I had lots of time to kill when I had to entertain myself or others. Some of my methods were quite freakish. I was thinking back about a couple of these things today and thought I would make a write up about each of them and then categorize them for my own amusement heh

Name: The Flicker
Type: projectile
Description: By placing anything from a penny to an M&M in between my thumb and the top of my middle finger, I can flick an object across a room without making any major movements. After much practice I became a marskmen and pro at flicking stuff at people and blaming it on someone else. Many people can do this so its not that quirky.

Name: Pen Flicker
Type: projectile
Description: Sure you could just throw the pen....or you could launch it across a room by putting it between your thumb and pinky and then squeezing until it slips away. Much like the other flicking method, this is covert and often baffles anyone who sees it since I don't move my arms at all. Most people I show can't even do it :-P

Name: Loogie Launcher
Type: projectile
Description: Yes, spitting is gross and loogies are disgusting, but sometimes you just have to get that flem out! By curling my tongue into a miniture cannon, I can launch my congestion at record breaking distances.... Not exactly something to gloat about or show off at parties to meet women tho, hehe

Name Rubber Spit
Type: unusual noise
Description: Did you ever see Big Daddy with Adam Sandler? Remeber that loogie trick the kid could do that drips down past his knees and then get sucked back up into his mouth? Ya.. I can do that, heh

Name: Bird song
Type: unusual noise
Description: First discovered when I had a retainer, was able to whistle like a song bird in the morning time. The trick is tapping the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue while you whistle. Slow it down and you can sound like a hovering UFO. Usually the first time I do it everyone looks around like WTF was that!? When they find out it was me the like to hear it again and be shown how to do it. Its a good party trick. I can also whistle REALLY LOUD.

Name: Acorn Whistle
Type: unusual noise
Description: This trick I was actually taught at a camp in Catalina Island. By using an acorn shell (or any hollow object with a small round opening like a bottle cap), holding it in both hands like a harmonica and creating a V shaped opening with your thumbs you can have your own little whistle. With the right sized object and practice, you can make a noise as loud as a real whistle! The larger the object, the deaper the sound. So if you use a 3-liter pepsi bottle it almost sounds like a fog horn.

Name: The Clapper
Type: unusual noise
Description: Listening too me clap my hardest is deafening. I've been bitched at plenty of times because of it.

Name: Elvis Lip
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Just like the king himself, I can curl that lip way up on command. It looks freaky but usually can make someone laugh without saying a word. But this is easy.

Name: Tongue Touch
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I can! :-P

Name: Lazy Eye
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Not only can I cross my eyes, but I can move them independantly! Its really hard to see in the mirror though, hehe

Name: Red Face
Type: facial anomoly
Description: This is one of my favorites because its a 2 for 1 freakshow. By holding my breath and squeezing really hard with my diafram I can force all of the blood in my head towards my face. Within seconds this creates a cherry red face that is freakishly dark and scary to see. The side effect is blood loss to the brain and eyes which has caused me to pass out and see stars for minutes. Do to this, I only perform this act everyone once and a while which is still probably really stupid.

I am sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now.... I'd like to see what other people out there can do that they think is unusual, but I probably just scared off any chance of getting a reader.


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