Wednesday, June 22, 2005

college essay #2

List three of your strengths. Choose two and explain how those strengths have contributed to your success in school, in art or in your life.

I would have to say that three of my personal strengths would be that I am extremely dedicated, I work well with other people, and I am a quick learner.

I have always been dedicated. In my youth I was a Boy Scout and I went to every meeting, and every excursion. I was determined to be the best I could be and throughout my 6 years I held every officer position possible from Scribe to Senior Patrol Leader. Even after I had already moved to Alabama, I came back briefly to finish what I started and eventually earned the top rank of Eagle Scout. My dedication to the BSA continued even after I passed its age requirement. In Alabama I moved on to join an Explorer program for the local Fire Department. There I learned even more about what it means to be dedicated and eventually became the Post Captain of the group. I also used the skills I learned in school to make and maintain a website for the group with no cost to them.

Once I figured out what I wanted to do with my life I steered my dedication towards college. I made sure to attend every class and be on time every day. Also if I needed to I would stay after class to work on my projects. I strove to be the best student I could and got awarded in almost every art related class. In the end I graduated with 7 awards and was on the Honor List.

After school I became dedicated to putting my skills to use. I joined a local 3D Users Group as well as the Birmingham IGDA and attended every meeting that was held. From there I met the CEO of (removed) who came to lecture at a meeting and persistently contacted him through emails and classes he was teaching. Eventually after sending him some work and going to the classes he instructed at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, he hired me onto his team. I am quite proud of each of these accomplishments. Mainly because I did the best I could and never gave up.

Another strength that helped me through each of these challenges would have to be the ability to work well with other people. I owe most of this to the BSA and the Explorer post. There I learned how to be a good leader and also how important it is to work as a team. Even the kids that no one else seemed to like where able to trust me as a leader because I treated them fairly and listened to them.

In school group projects I eagerly accepted the responsibilities of a team leader and delegated an equal share of work based on each persons strengths. I let everyone contribute to the design and flow of the project with their own ideas. In the end I became good friends with the lead 3D art instructor and we still keep in contact through the 3D Users Group to this day. These skills in working with others helped develop my ability to networking which ultimately lead to my job at (removed). I can also say that just about everyone in the 3D art field in Northern Alabama has met me or knows of me because of this.

In conclusion I must say that I wouldn’t be doing this next big step if I didn’t have confidence that my determination and ability to work with other people will drive me towards success.


Blogger Brian said...

so these are the rough draft of my essays that I will be sending too the Art Intitute of San Fran in hopes to be accepted. I figured that since they are about me then its perfect for my blog, heh.

12:47 PM  

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