Thursday, May 26, 2005


Even though I sometimes complain about being lonely, I can't help but enjoy the good times I have to myself. Yesterday after work I suddenly had the urge to dust off my paintball gun and unload all of my left over rounds from last season. I drove out to my parents house and fired off $20 worth of old paint at targets I set on the ground. Although I was alone, It couldn't have been any more fun!
After my ammo was spent I went inside to wind down and raid their fridge. Apon opening the door I was greeting by a heavenly sight. A bowl of the freshest home grown strawberries was staring me in the face. I selected the largest, most flawless of the batch as if they were priceless rubies and then shoved them in my mouth. The taste of fresh, chilled strawberries are unmatched by any other flavor in the known world as far as my mouth is concerned. I am salivating just typing about them. After I finished plundering the kitchen I wrestled with the attention whore of a dog for a good 15 minutes. Then I snatched the Starwars ep 4-6 dvd's and got back in my car.
I had so much energy at this point that I couldn't help but take the windy road back home ,wrecklessly driving 70+ MPH as if I was in a Rally Race. After the 1-man race was over I made it home and then watched the dvd's back to back until I fell asleep...... good times :P

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

3 huzzah's for the mail man!

I just got my tax return in the mail today and I must say I a giddy about spending it. The question of the day is what should I spend it on?

1. New tires. I can see the metal on a couple of my tires but I could probably stretch it out another month before I get a flat going 85 on the highway. I do have rainy day savings in case this does happen so I'm not too worried about it.

2. New clothes. I hate shopping for clothes. People who get their clothes from the Salvation Army probably dress better then I do. I think this shirt I am wearing right now is from California... ya that's like 6 years ago at least. I am surprised that no one has called those queer-eye guys on me yet. I do need some help!

3. New graphics card. Because my computer is never powerful enough! For those who don't know me I spend about 90% of my waking hours in front of a computer so its pretty important.

4. Save it. I need to hold on to as much money as I can until I find a new job.

5. BOOZE. Blowing money at the bar is an easy thing for me to do and I haven't done it in a while. I just wish I had someone to go with (my redneck friends don't like bars!?), or a date to throw money at.

6. Go on a trip. I love to travel but I haven't gone anywhere this year except Atlanta. I can either go to California and visit my old friends, or go to Orlando for an annual meeting of online gaming buddies. Both ideas sound tempting.

7. Give everyone who replies to this thread a steak from


Seriously though I will probably do #1 and #2 soon and then #4 and #5 with what's left. #3 and #6 should wait until after I get a new job.

Listening to: The comedy channel on XM... cuz I need a good laugh

Watching: the clock
Playing: as the Mechanic. I changed 2 tires on my Mom's van and jumped a ladies car this week, while at work. And I enjoyed it.
Feeling: like I am so far behind
Daily Goal: be productive
Weekly Goal: find a job
Relationship Status: lets just say I have better chances with finding a job over finding a girl that I want to date.
Am suddenly wanting: to: go outside... like right now

Monday, May 23, 2005

Free Sausage

Heres a good joke I just heard today

For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow
when you can get the milk for free," here's
an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are
against marriage. Why? Because women realize
its not worth it to buy an entire pig, just to
get a little sausage.

hehe, Please note that even tough I think this is funny it does not mean that I am a pig or that I have a little sausage.

Friday, May 20, 2005

old flame

So back in the day when I delivered drugs for a Pharmacy, there was this girl. She was one of the techs at the Pharmacy and was fairly shorter then me with sholder length blond hair, blue eyes, a foxy face, and a sexy frame. She was also 3 years older then me and seeing some big, burly, asshole of a boyfriend at the time. From the info I gathered off of her friends, he treater her like shit but she stayed with him anyway. Well during a bump in the road, they had separated and during this time she began to take interest in someone else. It was a sensative, out of shape, nerdy kid that makes her laugh and has a cute dimple.

Before this I was quite nieve and never really did much more then hold hands with a girl. I was a senior in Highschool and very much a virgin. So when she asked me out I was shocked and even scared. I was comfortable talking with her since she was my good friend already, but I was very clumsy and uncomfortable when it came to getting close to her. I had my first drinks, a screwdriver, with her sitting in my lap while playing cards at a party with some coworkers. She smoked, pot too, but I didn't really care at the time. I never made a move on her and after about 2 weeks she gave me a peck on the cheek in the parking lot after work and then ran off. I was just trying to be a gentleman and probably would have been a little more agressive if she hadn't just got out of her long term relationship days before she asked me out.

And then it was over as quickly as it had begun. She called me one day not 2 weeks into it and said she was getting back with her asshole boyfriend. I was somewhat heartbroken but I was really just pissed off that she would do this to herself. The next day when she came to work, the spoiler on her mustang was taped together from when her upset boyfriend broke it in two with his angry fist. Yet she still went back to him.

The reason I thought of this story now is because when I went inside the aparentment complex's main office she was there with her sister, looking for a place to stay. She was as sexy as ever, smiling with her perfectly white teeth. I gave her a big hug and caught up with her life story. She told me that she moved to Tennessee with that guy and finally moved back because it didn't work out. Now she is single and could be living near by. It had been at least 3 years since I saw her and since then I have been in a long relationship, had sex, and got my drink on, so obviously I wasn't the same nieve little kid anymore. If I only thought a little faster I would have asked for her phone number, but instead I cut in front of her to deal with my problem and then ran off, back to my apartment.. wierd morning!

So what was I doing at the Apartment office? Well I lost the key to our mailbox last night and was trying to get it replaced. Of course any smart office would have a spare fucking mail key, but NOOOO they didn't. Now I can't get my mail until I intercept the delivery guy/girl or wait until they change the locks. Thats just rediculous.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

the Panda call

So I got a call this morning after chugging down the milk/cereal broth at the bottom of my daily bowl of Honeynut Cherios. The caller ID was local but I didn't recognize the number. Since no one EVER calls me this early I immediately though it was someone finally calling back for a job.
I thought maybe I should say something professional when I answered the phone like 'This is Brian, can I help you?' But since I had only been awake for ~10 minutes I answered the phone with something a little more like "duuuh, hello?"

A woman answered, "Hello, is this Brian?"

"duuuh..... yes"

"This is Panda (yes her name is Panda) from the yadda yadda Temp Agency calling.....are you still looking for work?

I guessed right! Of course my enthusiam to get a job returned to me and I tried to salvage my phone persona by giving an enthusiastic "yes mam!"

She then began describing the job. The words consulting Firm and Power-Point presentation where dropped and immediately I began to loose interest. In no way would this job be in my field and its basically a step sideways from making webpages. Power point presentations are basically webpages on a slideshow. I've never used the product but I really have had no desire to learn it. I am sure I could figure it all out in a day and produce something that looks professional. I actually told her that I wasn't trained to do it nor was I really interested since it doesn't have anything to do with 3D art. At the time I thought it the job sounded terrible but now I am thinking that I am an idiot! Its work that I can do on the side and get new contacts and skills. Sure the contacts might mean squat and I could care less about gaining these skills but if I don't get a second job soon I will have to start flipping burgers. Its only for a month.... surely I can survive it.

During the course of this blog entry my view about this job opportunity has done a 180 and now I think I need to call her back. Thanks for talking sense into me, hehe

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Damn im boring. Nothing to blog about. Really I am just waiting to hear about this damn job offer. I really want/need this job and I don't want to jinks it so I have kept quiet. My coworker is getting back from her sergery soon and there is so little work to do here right now as it is. So if this job falls through then I will soon be unemployed and broke with no more leads to work. Plus my headphones are dead so I have no means to music once she shows up again. And by dead I mean I chewed through the cord. It's a bad habit...everything small and in arms reach has been chewed, broken, and drooled on.... I feel sorry for anyone who uses my desk while I am not here.
Honestly part of me is looking forward to being unemployed. I have had it too easy and have been waisting the past few months of my life with nothing to really show for it. The chances of me getting a job in California is pretty slim without something more substantial under my belt then making webpages. Or a bachelors degree for that matter. I denied it before but I have always sort of known that I need to at least get that degree before I can be taken seriously in the job market. Especially in a place like California where the competition in my field is so heavy. I need a kick in the butt! I need to get out of this dead end job and work on my career! I need this jerk to give me an update before I go crazy, heh.

On a side note,.. I meet the worse people when I go to the bar. I don't really want to talk about it except to say that old drunken lonely men are creepy.

Friday, May 06, 2005

another week

I haven't felt like bloggin lately. I took my blog off of the the list of blogs I look at every day because I don't want anyone snooping around my computer and finding it. So now it is kind of out of sight and out of mind.

Yesterday was 5/5/05 and I had another 3d users group meeting. This twas a good one since there seemed to be so many people that showed up. The guest speaker today was a long-winded guy who talked about his entire career of sculpting clay figures for the underground market and later professionaly for disney.
The highlight of the night was when I talked to my old instructor and he said he had a job offer lined up just for me. Whats the job you ask? Well it would be making simulations for the military. Thats just really cool. This would be a better job then that NASA job that just fell through. I am so friggin excited. I NEED this job!