Last night I had a typical random dream. From what I can remember near the end of it, I was part of a team of 3 kids who aparently "aquired" 300,000 dollars by some form of thievery which was stashed in an elementry schools toilet. I remember pulling the large wet garbage bag out of the porcelain safe. It was like some kind of a cartoon. I think I was one of the kids from Southpark because I remember the ring leader acting like Cartmen and the Principal that busted us constatly repeated "MMK". I woke up just after we were busted with the thought of having $100,000 running through my head. For the next 20 minutes I was lying in bed pondering how I would use my imaginary stolen cash. It ended up something like this...
Since $100,000 wont make me terribly rich in this day in age I thought that I would just treat all of my needs for the next 5 years, and then put whatever is left in savings and continue to live my normal life
Worstation and Gaming Rig
First, of course I would need to buy a computer system that would sustain every possible buisness and gaming need that I would require and be powerfull enough to last 5 years (most high end computers only last 2-3 years before they are obsolete)
I could buy every peice of development software with upgrade subcriptions to last 5 years and create my own Development Studio. Then I would get full magazine and website subscriptions to keep me informed of the latest improvments to the industry. To please my gaming needs I would buy all the games I ever wanted, and run them with max settings on my jumbo flat screen monitor. All of this would be costly, but worth it. I estimate a total of 10,000 over 5 years. With this system I could quit my job and work full time on my projects.
100,000 isnt quite enough for me to buy me a new car, sustain the insurance, and still afford the rest of my dream prizes. BUT that wouldnt stop me from buying new brakes, tires, rims, an after market intake, full exaust w/ headers, upgraded transmission, new sway bars, new lowered suspension, a custom sound system w/ an xm head unit and dvd screen, and all of the other gadgets and upgrades I craved back when I was in the zx2 fanatic phase. If I go for aperance too it could easily be $10,000 worth of upgrades including install fees. If I take good care of the car it should last another 10 years
Home Entertainment
I would also want a new sterio/TV/dvd set as well as lots of new dvd's and an XBox 2 w/ games when that comes out. With furnature to support it thats about 5 grand unless I get a plasma, then thats like 5 more.
I would have to tour California and catch up with all of my friends and family there. Then I would have to get tickets to GDC, E3 and Gamesday one at a time for 5 years. Making the most out of those trips with plane fares could run up a quick $10k bill.
Thats 1/3 already blown on mememe. I would probably like to give about 15k of that to all of my friends and family on gifts throught the 5 year plan. Thats $3000 a year for really nice birthday presants.
That leaves me with about 50,000 dollars which I would hold on to. It should sustain all of my bills and living expenses for the 5 years. Giving me 10k a year to keep myself confortable while I work on my projects and prepare to make my own big money in the future. Any money I earned and is left over each year would be imediatly put in savings. By the end of the 5yrs I would have a healthy savings and hopefully a successfull career in my field to keep me moving ahead.
That would be swell :D