Thursday, March 31, 2005

enough of that nonsense

I cant believe i even posted that stuff, heh. But who cares! moving along

XM online is the cure! Normally I am bored and looking for something to distract me while I work at home or at the office.... but all I really needed was a little audio stimulation to keep me entertained. Of course this is something that you could get from any internet radio, but since I am so attached/addicted to my XM its the only to go for me. Surpisingly it gets me working.. I am so much more productive with tunes pumping into my skull. I worked on my project for about 4 hours after I got home from the office. I probably am anoying the hell out of my neighbors tho with the radio going.

Other news.. Spring weather in Alabama has been wonderful. Now if I could only go outside to enjoy it!

Other other news... I am getting too far out of shape. My little pudge belly has really rounded out and my pecks are awful. I think my gym membership expires this month so I just need to find an alternate method of excersize since I don't live over there anymore.

Other other other news? Theres no such thing! Anyway, I have been thinking that since I plan to be moving soon, I shouldn't bother looking for a girl friend or going to bars for that matter. I need to concentrate on what I am trying to acomplish here! I have kind of set up a new routine. Work till 5, workout (or enjoy the daylight)till 6ish, 3d stuff till 10, games till 12. That sounds about right. Working 3d stuff into my regular schedule should really help! Thats my Mon-Thursday. Fridays I will probably still want to go to Huntsville. Saturdays will be a work heavy day and Sundays will be my day of rest. Lets see how long that lasts.... *rolls eyes at himself*

Lets see.. what else..... I took a better picture with my phone, but the quality sucks. I'll be adding it to my profile soon.

Monday, March 28, 2005

freak show

As a youngin I had lots of time to kill when I had to entertain myself or others. Some of my methods were quite freakish. I was thinking back about a couple of these things today and thought I would make a write up about each of them and then categorize them for my own amusement heh

Name: The Flicker
Type: projectile
Description: By placing anything from a penny to an M&M in between my thumb and the top of my middle finger, I can flick an object across a room without making any major movements. After much practice I became a marskmen and pro at flicking stuff at people and blaming it on someone else. Many people can do this so its not that quirky.

Name: Pen Flicker
Type: projectile
Description: Sure you could just throw the pen....or you could launch it across a room by putting it between your thumb and pinky and then squeezing until it slips away. Much like the other flicking method, this is covert and often baffles anyone who sees it since I don't move my arms at all. Most people I show can't even do it :-P

Name: Loogie Launcher
Type: projectile
Description: Yes, spitting is gross and loogies are disgusting, but sometimes you just have to get that flem out! By curling my tongue into a miniture cannon, I can launch my congestion at record breaking distances.... Not exactly something to gloat about or show off at parties to meet women tho, hehe

Name Rubber Spit
Type: unusual noise
Description: Did you ever see Big Daddy with Adam Sandler? Remeber that loogie trick the kid could do that drips down past his knees and then get sucked back up into his mouth? Ya.. I can do that, heh

Name: Bird song
Type: unusual noise
Description: First discovered when I had a retainer, was able to whistle like a song bird in the morning time. The trick is tapping the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue while you whistle. Slow it down and you can sound like a hovering UFO. Usually the first time I do it everyone looks around like WTF was that!? When they find out it was me the like to hear it again and be shown how to do it. Its a good party trick. I can also whistle REALLY LOUD.

Name: Acorn Whistle
Type: unusual noise
Description: This trick I was actually taught at a camp in Catalina Island. By using an acorn shell (or any hollow object with a small round opening like a bottle cap), holding it in both hands like a harmonica and creating a V shaped opening with your thumbs you can have your own little whistle. With the right sized object and practice, you can make a noise as loud as a real whistle! The larger the object, the deaper the sound. So if you use a 3-liter pepsi bottle it almost sounds like a fog horn.

Name: The Clapper
Type: unusual noise
Description: Listening too me clap my hardest is deafening. I've been bitched at plenty of times because of it.

Name: Elvis Lip
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Just like the king himself, I can curl that lip way up on command. It looks freaky but usually can make someone laugh without saying a word. But this is easy.

Name: Tongue Touch
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I can! :-P

Name: Lazy Eye
Type: facial anomoly
Description: Not only can I cross my eyes, but I can move them independantly! Its really hard to see in the mirror though, hehe

Name: Red Face
Type: facial anomoly
Description: This is one of my favorites because its a 2 for 1 freakshow. By holding my breath and squeezing really hard with my diafram I can force all of the blood in my head towards my face. Within seconds this creates a cherry red face that is freakishly dark and scary to see. The side effect is blood loss to the brain and eyes which has caused me to pass out and see stars for minutes. Do to this, I only perform this act everyone once and a while which is still probably really stupid.

I am sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now.... I'd like to see what other people out there can do that they think is unusual, but I probably just scared off any chance of getting a reader.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

im bored! please talk to me :P

Buisiness is so slow here at the office. With no chat room anymore and noone talking to me on AIM during the day, it gets really lonely and boring. I am getting so efficiant at browsing my dailing comics, blogs, forums, and news sites, that I have nothing to do in the afternoon between my assignments. So ya.. someone needs to get on AIM and chat with me! Just send "lets cyber" to crianbummings on AIM and we can talk about whatever. I am a good listener and not a certified therapist!
Anywho.. I dont bite, just give me a buzz if your bored too.

So its a beutiful day outside... I just want to ride around and listen to toons when I get off work. For some reason the 25th is throwing up a red flag in my head. What am I suppst to do tommorow? Pay a bill? Call someone? Play a game? Party hardy? I should really write that shit down.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

when it rains

... wear a poncho. ( that is an awsome word)

Not only is my computer still borked, but my boss/mom says she may have to lay me off since the buisiness isnt doing so well. That means in a couple months I will be looking for work!


1. Get another regular day job and continue trying to enhance my resume in my free time.
2. Start going to school for a bachelors degree and live off the money from that while I enhance my resume from schoolwork and free time.
3. Work for Carlo full time or find another local job in my field (or make webpages)
4. Look for jobs out of state and possibly plan to relocate soon if I get something
5. Sign up for the military and postpone my career.

I am thinking a combination of 2,3, and 4 would be perfect. But I know in order to relocate I will need to get lucky and find that perfect job... hopefully in California. And to get that job I will need something completely amazing to show on my resume. To do that I will need to spend all of my free time working on a project, before I get laid off. It needs to be perfect and the absolute best that I can do. That, plus what I have done for Carlo should land me an entry level job anywhere. If Carlo can continue to give me work I will have to do it quickly and flawlessly. I won't be looking for classes until I know were I will be in the next couple years.. but it is something that I want to do.

This may not be a bad thing after all.... :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

opertunity to live

Without a computer I suddenly have time to hang out. Yesterday I ran by a friends and ended up eating out with another together with another friend. Then I rented Shawn of the Dead and we watched it on his monster tv. That movie is just awsome! I love the way it was done.
I was considering mimicing the scene I saw at my friends brothers house from Atlanta. Maybe if I set up a dart board or card table and invited people over with drinks, I may be able to get some form of a social life going. But then I would have to deal with the house staying clean and all of the smoking going on.

If I cant recover the information off my recently deceased HD then I think I will just cancel the game project. I still want to work on it as a pet project but I don't think it will ever become a real game at this rate. A coder messaged me today and seemed interested in helping. If all goes well then that means I potentially have a level guy, a coder, and a modeler that can help me at this point. Thats really all I need for this stage and I could start taking on some real responsibilies and start managing the team.

The whole World of Warcraft leadership thing has really fallen apart. I think I need to resign from leadership to free myself of that whole responsibility. I've done all I could.

This whole blogging thing is really just me thinking out loud isnt it.... well I should really set a goal for this week and this month... sounds like its time for the orangeness!

Listening to: Nothing special
Watching: Shawn of the Dead!
Playing: Mr. Fix-it... no games until I suceed
Feeling: scruffy. I need take care of myself a little better.
Daily Goal: fix my computer!
Weekly Goal: fix my computer!
March Goal: make some new friends, set up my project after my comp is fixed
Relationship Status: Single, but so close
Am suddenly wanting: pick up a girl.. even if she isn't my type

Monday, March 21, 2005

crazy weekend

Its wierd how things start to go wronge, and then other things just go so well. In the end I would take this weekend as a loss, but almost worth it. Hmm I'm gonna write out the play by play and add up the score just to see how it balanced out.

I woke up, got ready, made good travel time, and didn't leave anything at home: +1pt
I paid full price at the door ($45) but from what I did and saw there I feel like I was ripped off:-1pt
I got a free t-shirt at the mega battle: +1pt
I missed out on the really good prizes because I didn't stick around till the end... I could have easily won something worth $20-50.: -1pt
I lost $40 worth of merchandise. I think it may have been stolen. That really sucked! -2pts
Meeting up with apoc was really easy, we got along well and had a good time at his brothers house while only spending about $20: +4
I didnt get any action, and I was tired most of the night. Then the drive home on Sunday sucked because I was still tired and now had a hangover: -2pts
I saw a car accident happen in Atlanta. We were on the #2 lane when a car in the #5 lane smashed into the right side of another car causing them both to spin out. The car at fault did a full 360 and then bolted off while the other car was left perpendicular to traffic blocking all 3 lanes to the right of us. Somehow everyone stopped without any further accidents and the guy seemed terrified but unharmed as we passed by on the left. That was kinda cool, hehe: +2pts
When I got home I found out my month old hard drive crashed AGAIN! So now I have to figure out what is causing my HD's to die and fix it. This means I may have lost all of my data from this months project. This is easily a -5pts because it means I need to buy something else and forget about the data on that HD. Unless I can restore the data somehow since it seams to be "not quite dead yet" : -5pts!
My server didn't go down like I thought it would since I havent paid the host yet, but I still havent heard back from him so it may go down anytime: Even
Carlo replied saying hes sending my tax stuff so thats a load off my shoulders: +1pts.
More drama at cdl but it could end up being a good thing: Even

So without the computer problem I would have been happy (+3) but aparently that is what tipped the scales into being a somewhat shitty weekend (-2)

If I can get that fixed tonight without losing my files I will be like +10 hehe.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Atlanta, here I come

So lazy ol me has to get up at 6am, drive to hville to join the convoy and then go to Atlanta for Games Day. After that ends at 6pm I've got to call apoc and meet him some place. Then hes taking me to his brothers house where there is usually a lot of ppl drinking and having the usual party. I can just imagine how tired I will be by then after being on my feet all day... shit im getting sleepy just thinking about it! heh.
$45 to enter, $20 for gas, 10 for lunch, 15 for dinner, and the rest for drinks. Thats a lot to blow for one day for me.... At least apoc is letting me sleep on his couch so I don't have to get a room. I'll probably be back mid day on sunday

After this whole gamesday shindig is over I think I really need to buckle down and make something happen. My money situation isn't improving at all, but at least I got some work done on a project this week.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

completely random

I dunno what to talk about today... I have a bunch of stuff that is suppost to be going on this week but nothing for today. Again I slept in till past 11am which tallied another 9hrs of dreamland. For breakfast, I ate my last bagel with some strawberry cream cheese and then noticed I had nothing to wash it down with.... It must be time to go shopping. Before I left I talked to Apoc on #d2r and set up our meeting for this weekend. Its going to be hard to get up at 6:30am, drive to Atlanta alone, be on my feet for 8 hrs at the conferance, find the meeting place and have some drinks with apoc, and then drive another 3 hours to get back home around midnight.
On my way to work I saw a friend and waved. He saw me and tried to call but when I picked up all I could hear was some horid static. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was crunching a bag of potato chips by the receiver, but aparently he could hear me fine. I never heard that sound over a phone before but I guess it was my crappy service wreaking havoc on me in a new form. I'm gonna have to call him after work to hang out. There are plenty of movies that I haven't seen yet... or maybe we can set up some drinky-drinky for tommorow.
So I found a couple more blogs that I liked yesterday. Both by interesting females.... First is Candy Blue Kite who aparently likes to mess around in photoshop for fun. Its inspiring to see someone express their artistic side as a means of relaying emotions and events instead of just words. I am still visiting Laurie's blog to get my dose of quality writing. Her blog led me to Bryanna in the City who just posted a ton of pictures with her new camera. I love blogs with pictures, so I gotta keep this one too. Although the name reminds me a time when I had won a door prize at some event a couple of years ago. "And the winner is....Brianna Cummings! Where is she?" says the ladie with the microphone in front of the entire room. Aparently my handwritting was a bit too sloppy. I hesitated as everyone scanned around for the girl who won and then I slowly stood up and walked to the stage area. After I corrected her she said the right name over the mic and everyone had a good laugh... Of course all I could do was laugh with them and take my free mug.
Today I also added the box art for the "Life of Brian" movie from which I was named. Hope you like it!

I need a new portrait.... For some reason I think me wearing my crappy addias jacket with messed up hair in the office bathroom isnt the best I can do. Too bad all I have is my picture phone and an old video camera to snap shots with.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

now what am I suppost to do...

... to kill the time at work. The office just installed a firewall which is blocking me from my chatroom. That means no more #d2r! *faint*

I've been chatting with those guys since I lived in California! We talk about anything from games,music, sports, politics, girl troubles, and pointless facts of the day... But now all I have to communicate with the outside world is AIM and email.

I need to talk to Apoc tho.. He lives in Atlanta and since I am going there this weekend I was hoping to drop by and visit! It should be a good trip.

Monday, March 14, 2005

good night out

So friday after my regular gaming session in huntsville I decided to finally head out to the club. Witch Doctors Opera was playing at Shakers so it was a good night to make up for the past month or so of staying at home. I had a fresh $100 bill in my pocket and a desire to get waisted. Even after 1 hurricane I was loosening up and rocking out to the band in my own private table. In between songs they anounced $1 buds and I imediatly ordered one... and kept em coming. About an hour of sitting alone I saw some friends come in and got up to say hi. Sisters.. both not my type... and only 1 I who actually knew me well. The other was older and often ignored me, but not tonight. She had some guy that sat next to her and hit on her which she obviously wasnt interested in. I came and talked to them in between sets and she wanted me to stay so the guy wouldnt be able to hit on her. He was obviously pissed and tried to show me up, but failed miserably because I was in such a good mood. And then I bought them both shots because they didnt have money (and i know they love them shots!) Then there was this other girl who i see up there a lot. She always comes on fridays and listens to the cool bands like I do... I started a convo with her because we have the same cool phone. We talked about bands and I could tell she was a little older then me because of the bands that she liked....

I was quite drunk at this point.

Eventually I went up and rocked out when they played something I liked.. there were some hot girls up there who were really diggin it and wanted to dance. The band dug my support too and talked to me a bit. I just felt so at ease and like I owned the place... shit I even challenged to owner to a quick game of fooseball for no reason at all. But still.... I didn't make any moves on the girls there and went home alone. Actually 'shell and her sister drove me home and I don't even remember it. I don't remember last call or clearing out of the club. I don't remember the ride home or opening my front door. I don't remember getting undressed and passing out on my bed. I havent even talked to shell about it but I imagine I was either really drunk and stupid or just passed out. I think the last thing I remember was eating spicy popcorn they had at the bar, and drinking from a bottle of Smirnoff w/ and a bottle of Bud Light at the same time. Maybe that wasnt such a good idea.

Of course it was a good night, and the band rocked. I just wish I actually made some moves and got a phone number or somethin... I guess I am just not the type of guy who get the phone numbers and takes girls I just met home. Or perhaps I was just too focused on getting waisted and rocking out, heh. This week is some crappy girl 70's band. Might be a good night to focus on picking up girls. ;)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

America's Drive-in

Today I went to Sonic for lunch. If you have never heard of it, the place is basically designed like the ol' drive-in restaraunts where you order from your parking spot and the carhops would serve you on roller skates. Anyway, I go to the place a lot and usually get their popular Strawberry-Limeade(yes, I know that's a cherry)

MMMM MMM its so good. Mainly because of the plentiful amount of freshly sliced starberries all juiced up and waiting at the bottom of the cup. If you like stawberries like I do, you need to get one of these babies!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


rant: I haven't gone out to the bars or clubs in over a month now. I've only hung out with Ed and Richard like twice in a while, and the only time I leave the house has been for work, errands, or trips to play Warhammer in Hunstville. I currently have no life and I guess I am hiding from something. Plus my sleeping habits are getting worse and I sleep 9+ hrs a day and am always tired. I need more energy, I need to work out, I need to get out of the house.. wtf is my problem? I will be going to Atlanta in a couple weeks.. maybe to hang out with a guy I chat with while im at the gaming convention. Stupid Warhammer is taking over a lot of my time... and of course I still play PC games all of the damn time. I need to take a break form one thing or the other... but will I ? I doubt it.... I am too comfortable.... I am not making enough money because I come in to work late, I need to be more responsible wtf wtf wtf /rant

Soul Search, Part 3

I am getting a little tired of typing about this topic so i'll try to make it short. (ok so that didn't happen)

Let me get back to when I first went to a Catholic Highschool..... The more I learned about other cultures and religions, the more I began to ask questions. I was always told that God has a plan for everyone when he creates them on this earth, and I felt fortunate for being in the environment were I was raised to serve the Christian God. But then I began to wonder about everyone else who was surrounded by a completely different culture and religious preference. Some of these people never even heard about Christianity or the Bible and are equally devoted to their own beliefs as I was to mine. But then I was taught that you have to be baptised and you had to go to church and this and that. And I was also observing the different behaviors of Catholics who their own set of rules and restrictions. Everyone did these things to earn their place in heaven, so does that mean that if you don't do these things you are doomed? What about people from another hemisphere who have never heard about Christianity or the Bible but have devoted their lives to their own cultures beliefs. Some of these people would worship many times per day and devote everything they do to their Gods. To them this is all they know, but how can it be possible for the Christian God to create these people and have a plan for them to be saved. Convicing these people that their beliefs are wronge and that Christianity is right would be impossible. If a Christian was in their shoes and was being told their ways are wronge and they need to change their faith or be doomed, do you think they would change? Not a chance! So then those who are not Christians and never will be are doomed from birth! Many of non-christians out there are good people beleive it or not. They respect others and stay out of trouble. Some I would imagine live better lives then that of a Christian. How is it that they deserve to go to hell? Does that mean every Native American (before we came over and slaughtered them) where doomed from the start? Every Budhist monk and Egyptian slave made an eternal error of being born in the wronge place at the wronge time? If you don't think that a good person deserves to go to hell based on their religion then what is even the point in having an organized religion?
I just don't think its important to go to church every week, or perform a sacred ritual. Chants and hymns don't make a difference. The only important thing is that you know right from wronge, and you try and make the right decisions when you can. Bad things are going to happen, but there is nothing anyone can do about it except try to get by.

So those were the main questions that came up in my head. After that point I became more and more of agnostic and nearly an athiest. I just didn't care any more, especially after my first junior year at a public school. No longer was I being sufficated by the enormous amounts of religious influences. I was finally free to think for myself and I finally developed into a full Agnosticist. I never preached what I thought to anyone though. It was always private and personal. I still respected everyone else for what they believed because after all, it is just a matter of opinion. I was also a boyscout and doing my best at being a good person. I contributed to the comunity and never once got in a fight. I was always nice to people and cared about their feelings. I never seriously put someone down no matter how different they where. And I still am that way today.

After my junior year it was time for some change and my family moved here.. to Decatur Alabama. This city is actually in the record books for having the most churches on one city street. This area is also often refered to as the Bible belt. So needless to say, people who felt the same as me were few and far between. I often had been asked what church I go to and offered by many nice people to go with them to church. Luckily in highschool I met a few guys who thought like me and we have been hanging out ever since.

Still, the biggest challenge on my faith was when I met a girl I call Juie. She was born and raised in this town and has a very influential mother. We were both lonely enough that it didn't matter at the time. We just wanted the company of another and we quickly fell in love. She was a very good person and I loved many things about. her. But we had 2 major things different. Sex and Religion. She went to church every Sunday and Wednesday and is still part of a youth group at age 22. Obviously religion is a major part of her life and I respected that. But I tried to make it clear that I was not a Christian and church was not for me. Of course it was only a matter of time before she had me going with her on holidays or cookouts which ended with a sermon. And of course every time I go to church they ask the crowd if there is anyone out there who has or wants to accept Jesus to raise their hands or something like that and I would be the only one who did not. The preacher had some good moral stories but was also good at making you feel guilty. He was intimidating with the way he preached and he threatened damnation for all who do not ask for forgiveness of their sins. But I smiled and noded along to please Juie and kept my opinions to myself out of respect. She said she was ok with me not going to church and only came up a few times during our 3 years together. The other issue, sex, was more of my problem. I, being 18-21 while with her, was very interested in being intimate. We both were virgins and never had been intimate at all. Hell, I hardly got past holding hands before.... so making out and coping a feel were good enough for me for a while. Eventually we fell deaper into love and got a little more intimate and started fooling around with private areas. I never tried to pressure her and always stopped when she said no. She was like a rollercoaster and was either really in to it, or really against it. Eventually she put her foot down and said no more, which I wasn't ready to accept... So I dumped her after 6 months. A week past before we saw eachother again, and we were so happy together at lunch that day I told her i couldn't live without her and decided to sarifice intimacy for love and we got back together. While we were together we never really talked about serious stuff, but that day we got back together we both decided to comunicate more and we both talked about our problems. I tried explaining to her why I believed what I did and why I didn't go to church... I think I even wrote it in a letter to her. She accepted tried to be ok with it at the time, but never really was.
Not long after the break up she was at a high peak in the roller coaster and insisted that she changed her mind about intimacy. Now just to clear this up.. we never had sex, ever. We just did everything else. There were more ups and down along the way and one problem I had was that she would neglect my needs after I would please her. All the friggin time! Near the end she started acting different... she didn't seemed interested in me anymore. I started getting nervious and jeleous. I made some mistakes which she used as excuses to get mad at me. Eventually she confronted me about my religious beliefs and I tried to explain the best I could.
The second I said "IF there is a God.." it was over.
"IF!!!!???" she screached. "How could you even say that?!"
She had been denying that I was different this whole time aparently. She never respected my beliefs like I respected hers. She probably thought that I would be easily saved when I came with her to church. I tried defending what I said and asked some of the questions that led me to doubt like i stated above. She never had any answers for me and didn't really know what to say. She even used the words "It's all that I know." which only strengthened my opinion. Not long after the argument she started to avoid me and then dumped me when I asked what was going on. She said we were too different, she lost interest in me and didn't even miss me on her trip out of town. I did so much for her but in the end it meant nothing.... it hurt so much to hear that, I stopped loving her right then and there. I walked out of her house for the last time, not saying a word, not even looking back. Since it was in my nature to not make enemies or burn bridges, I called her 3 months after and said there were no hard feelings and we could still be friends if she wanted to talk. About a week or so after I was invited to join the Explorer group (which I quit after she dumped be because she was in it) on a white-water rafting trip and it was the first time I had seen her. By then I knew I was over her and was glad I was free and I didn't have to do things I didn't want to do to make her happy... And I bet she felt the same.

So here I am now... after reading this article from the first section of my Soul Search rant. I don't know why but I just sent a link to the article to Juie yesterday. Maybe she will learn a few things about what I believe and respect people like me a little more instead of just thinking of us as people who don't care. Obviously I do care, I care very very much. So much that I am not about to believe in something based off of someone elses opinion, including the people that I love. So much that I had to break my opinion into 3 parts, heh.

Just a disclaimer here: Every word of this is my personal opinion and I hope whoever might read this will accept that and respect it. Your opinions are welcome here too.... Just don't hate.

now back to my mindless blogging about pointless things :P

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Soul Search, Part 2

These are lyrics from a deceased punk band called Zero Down. It is my favorite song from my favorite band and its relevent to this soul search series because every word is related to the way I was thinking when I first heard it. The chills went straight to the bone.

The clock is ticking on the wall the world is spinning
while the billions work to justify their lives.
They search for meaning in their useless sense of breeding
in their quest for recognition when they die.
Because ego won't permit belief in our mortality
so we manufactured our delusioned lie.
We believe with much conviction in our useless superstition
that our lives are bigger than life.
The man on TV preaches his beliefs to me
and says that I am doomed because I don't think like him.
He asks for contributions for his sermons convolutions,
in return is absolution for your sins.
I watch in disbelief as people try and shed their grief
because they can't accept the things that they've become.
They blindly patronize a dogmatic pack of lies
that tell them Jesus is their chosen one.
Strictly designed for the weak of mind,
not just the working man's opiate anymore.
Paralyzed minds all seeking the sublime
with all doubt ruled out by their faith in the divine.
All of them seeking that same righteous reward.
Weak of mind and born to follow,
do not question the beliefs you swallow.
Eternal life for your belief in man,
welcome to the empty promised land.
Don't think, don't breathe, don't live, just believe.
With no question just devotion lifeless life living in transit

Of course this is a lot more emotional when he is actually singing, but this basically sums up how I feel about the church and organized religion. I'm just not one of those people. To me, its either all or nothing. And I need facts before I can give up my soul. Even if I miraculously survived a plane crash without a scratch, sure I would take that as a sign from God that he is real and watching over me, but it still wouldn't have me running to the nearest baptist church. Just because there is a loving God out there doesn't mean that Christianity is "the right choice" to me. What if the answer to lifes biggest multiple choice question is "none of the above!" and he is just there without prejudice to what you believe, just that you are good and not evil. What if there was no divine inspiration when the Bible was written, or if there was never a Son of God. I just can't trust the written word from a time when controlling religious beliefs gave more power over people then actual leadership. Also word of mouth was the only means of comunication where maybe 1 in 100,000 actually witnessed the events from the original stories. Even with todays advancements in communications its impossible to trust what you and seeing and hearing about events in other areas of the world. We use half truths, and leave important details out. Or "spice" up the stories to make them more interesting for our own personal gain. I can only imagine what it was like back in the day where people had to walk from town to town.
But mainly to me it all just sounds like a farie tale. Heaven is a perfect place were you meet everyone you love that has died and live in eternal peace forever. And hell is described as the worse "humanly imaginable" place that noone in their right mind would ever want to go. Of course I am afraid of going to hell when I die and I would much rather go to heaven if it exists, but then I also wouldn't mind that whole 40 or so vigins thing. It doesn't mean I am about to sacrafice my life to Alla, or get baptised. I also wouldn't mind reincarnating into a wild horse that roams a beitiful countryside in undescovered country.. but I'm not about to go buy a book about it and take everything seriously.
All that I can hope for is that if I am a good guy, then good things will happen to me when I pass on. I shouldn't have to do anything querky or praise and worship some divinity when I am not ready to give up my most prized possesions on a hunch... my heart and soul. I just need to stay out of trouple, live my life to the fullest, and hope that if there is a God out there, then he will see who I really am deap down inside and welcome me into paradise. If I am not welcome in paradise then I will join the others like me and suffer eternally. I wouldn't want to be in that kind of a heaven anyway.

I still need to fill in the gaps in my life on this topic, which will be next. And then I'll ask some of the many questions that lead me to doubt.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

Soul Search, Part 1

I have been searching for the proper terminology to describe my current religious standpoint. A friend recently sent me the link to this article which has helped me come to the proper term: Agnostic. This article also talks about theism and atheism which when I started this post I labeled myself as Atheist. But the more I think about it I can't really say wether I am either Atheist or a Theist. Part of me is sceaming that there are so many different religions and they were all made up by humans because we will believe anything to make us feel better about the mysteries of life, but then the other part of me is thinking that there are so many people who have these beliefs because there is some form of greater spiritual power tying us all together.
I used to be a gnostic theist. Someone who believed every word my parents, pastors, and christian school teachers had spoken to me about God and the Bible. I was born into it, and easily influenced. I had no reason to doubt it because it was all that I knew. But then I grew up... I went from a Christian middle school to a Catholic Highschool. My best friend at the time and his parents were Catholic and they started saying and doing things that contradicted what I believed. My religion class taught me things about other cultures and their religions. How and when most religions were formed and how different they were from one another. Suddenly the box that I had shut myself in felt so small and I felt like my soul needed to explore. With every inch I peaked my head out of the box I began to ask questions and doubt everything I was fed throughout my childhood. And I also started to be disgusted at how easily a human life can be influenced by power and fear.
I stoped and thought "Why do I believe what I believe?" It was because I was afraid that if Christianity is true and I do not accept it then I would go to hell, and I want a rightous reward by going to heaven when I die. It was because everyone I knew and loved believed this way and everyone else told me that it was the only truth. But fear of hell and hoping for a glorious afterlife were no longer good enough to base my entire belief system on. Niether was being a member of a mob that sustains itself with sheer numbers and a mentality of "well everyone else is doing it." No, it has to be more for me then all of that. My indiviual soul must find the answers for myself to be satisfied. If I am going to believe anything with all of my heart and soul then I would need to be cleared of all of my personal doubts.
So this certainly puts me in the category of agnostic. I don't think the answers I am searching for are even obtainable so I doubt I will ever believe 100% (which would make me gnostic). I could still be an agnostic thiest by still having doubts and questions but believing in something anyway. I am leaning more towards thiesm because I believe a part of me, my soul, is searching for the right place where I will be at peace. But at the moment I do not truly believe in any specific organized religion. If I could only go back in time and experience what life was like when each religion was being written. Was their truly a divine precense or was it all the work of some creative genious? They all can't be true can they? Why are there so many!?

Its close to time to log off... I will have to continue this later because this is such an important topic to me and I need to document more of my personal feelings on the issue. I will talk more about my specific questions and doubts. Also I guess I should fill in the gap between catholic highschool and now including the drama from my previous relationship.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Pirates vs Ninjas

Which is better? The scurvy pirates or the shady ninjas?

Someone recently asked me this question, and this is how I replied:

Did you see Ninja Turtles? Did you watch "Kill Bill vo.1" or "The
Last Samuri"? The bad-guy ninjas suck! They drop like flies! The
only capable ninjas are the good guys or the boss which is like 1 in
50! And goodguys suck because of their emotions and do-gooding.

Now if you saw Pirates of the Caribean you might say the same thing,
but the truth is that there are no goodguy pirates. They are always
thinking about themselves in the end and they will turn on you minutes
after they are done helping you. YOU CANT TRUST EM!

Plus I can relate to Pirates better. They are funny, dirty, smelly,
and always getting drunk and talking silly. Yet they still manage to
efficiently opperate some of the largest vessels of the sea. Ninjas
use dinky swords and sneaky tactics while Pirates are up in your face
with a row of cannons and swing on ropes to board your ship and take
your booty!

Pirates also have pimpin island hideouts with mountains of booty when
ninjas hide out secluded from women where they have group "training
exercises" that borderlines a dry orgie and they are whiped by their

While Master ninjas usualy look slightly less gay then their spandex
wearing underlings, they are still boring and predictible. They try
to be quite and mysterious, but they are obviously just shy losers
that play with swords and have a strong kunfu grip if ya know what I

On the other hand Pirate Captains are the kings of style with a pair
of brass coconuts. They rape and pillage, getting more booty then
they can handle. They have the skull and crossbones flag as a trade
mark while ninjas have what.... a ski mask?

I could go on but im spent... so in conclusion Pirates > NinjasSo anyone out there wish to express their opinion? Feel free to defend the ninjas if thats what you like!

what was I going to say?

cuz i forgot :-P

wierd dream

So last night I had a wierd dream that I was on one of those inferno challenges from MTV. All of the guys hated me because I was winning the phat loot and stealing their glory. So they all were trying to get me kicked off and were messing with me when the cameras werent around. Aparently my subconcious imagination sucks because the challenges where really lame. Idon't even want to get into the the details, so I'll end it short. Unfortunatly I woke up before the end so I guess I'll have to toon in next time to see who won!