new pic
say goodbye to the frown. I gotz me a new pic!
So this week sucked. I didn't do anything productive. I just basked in my nerdy ways. Yesterday I skipped work to go play 40k in Hunstville. Every other day I have been sitting at home playing games and watching movies after work. Other then my co-workers and brief talks with my borther, I havent talked to a single soul. It sucks how I have all of these goals on Monday and didnt acheive shit by Friday. Lets see....Well ok I did get my office work done.... I did some research and made some changes to my project, and I sorta did my hobby and gaming goals. but probably the bigger 3 like apearance, career, and life havent even been touched. Well, ok I tried to go shopping but bought some shit I will probably never wear. How can I get things to change without changing who I am?
Ok seriously, no more bitching! Shit could be worse. At least I have something I can work with here. No more planning ahead, things usualy work out better when I am spontaneous!
bah.. erased, gotta start over :(
Lets see... oh yes, the cyborg theory
Aparently my physical being is actually connected to my personal computer. Therefore if it is having problems, then it is litterally killing me! And when it is infected with a virus, I get sick! The reason I came to this conclusion is because of my back problems that started the day my computer died. It was a 24hr pain that only went away yesterday after I replaced the hard drive! I am the next generation human-mutant-cyborg, hyper-evolved to survive in the age of technology! (yes im joking! hehe)
Moving on... So Thursday and Friday I was off work, ran around doing errands, and played 40k all day at the shop. Even without my computer, I managed to keep my nerdism in play. Although Friday night I went to the bar... nothing was going on there so I split that hole early and went to bed, hehe. Saturday was better. More people showed up and bron and brie were there. We hung out, got sloppy drunk, and I actually had a good time. They had some friends with em that were real friendly so it was even more fun. We went back to Brons house as usual but there was some drama which led to everyone leaving. Then Sunday was playoffs and getting my computer running. Needless to say, I didnt leave the house
and crap i did it again.
I typed this whole thing about doing new things with my career like maybe with the miltary since everything I am interested in has something to do with that... BUT i guess its not that important. I will continue with my goals for the week tho
Work: I gotta get these XM black pages up and running and then let em loose. Then i'll get some feedback from fansites and make changes acordingly. Visualize and attack!
Project: Its probably a good thing that I have to start from scratch with this new update from Steam using bots. Its basically all I was waiting for. Now lets get it workin! Visualize and attack!
Career: I need to picture where I want to be in 5 years and start making productive moves in that direction. There are no limits to my potential if I.... VISUALIZE AND ATTTTTTACK!
Hobby: well this week I am already scheduled to go to hunstville. So i shall! I need to spend some time painting my mini's for the contest as well as my fleet.
Gaming: Well, if i get bored I'll play some WoW and get money for my mount, or just help out clanmates that are lower then me. Oh shizzle! Thursday is suppost to be my big game night! Better get crackin on that!
Apearance: I need to get in somewhat good shape since I dont have health insurance. And I need to update my wardrobe into something that is me now, not me 5 yrs ago! Just visualise it and go shopping!
Life: With all of these goals, there is no time for a life! Well ok, friday and saturday nights are still where its at. Lets hope for a good band somewhere, and a good crew to hang with.
ya, i think thats everything... lets get started! woooooo
So its Thursday, and theres no computer at home still. I came in to the office to give it to the tech guy but he is still out. Although his assistant assures me the that he will be in today and will check out my comp. I should be getting kicked out of my office chair any minute now, so when that happens I'll have to end this message and go to Huntsville. Got a Best Buy gift card burnin a whole in my wallet. (where did that silly phrase come from anyway?)
So last night wasnt exactly as i planned. I really need to stop writing what I am going to do before I do it because it always goes differently. I did go to the gym after work. My back is still killing me so all i did was ride the bike. Nothing but middle aged people there, so no reason to stay talk to anyone. After that I went to the parents house and played with mandie. She is so crazy.. that dog is alone all day so when someone shows up, she attacks! I sat and watched some comedy while eating my parents food and then my dad walks in. He aparently lost the paperwork that we needed to get the car title put in my name, so that I can get cheaper insurance. We chatted some and watched American Idol together. Aparently we both think its pure entertainment to see some complete idiot think that they can sing, and then get laughed at by the judges on national television. When that was over I borrowed iRobot from him and went home to watch it. That movie is perdy cool. I had read what maddox thought ahead of time and he was sort of right. Although I still thought the graphics and the plot was entertaining.
Update: Well I just talked to the tech guy. He tested my hard drive with a face that usually means my doom. Then he told me the only way I can get my data back is if I pay some data recovery guys 60 bucks an hour for 4+ hours of maintenance, but all they really do is just plug it in and hit a button. And that still doesnt guarentee that I will get all of my important files back. So im off to go try that... wonder if they accept best buy cards as payment?
Its been 2 days since my home computer has been FUBAR. If I take anything away from this, its that I have realized how little of a life I have without my computer to pass the time. I have tried calling Jess Monday and Tuesday but didn't get an answer. If I get nothing tonight I will call up Ed and Ric to get somethin going. I almost ran over Ric yesterday when he was crossing the street while I was getting lunch. Looked like a monkey with his arms in the air hollerin at me. I didn't notice it was him until I was too far to wave back, but it was still a funny image. I basically sat around and watched TV, cleaning house. I drove around for a while, but didnt stop anywhere.
Desparate times call for desparate mesure... I really need to go somewhere were nerdy girls hang out! Where would that be? The library, the book store!? Like I said before, I don't do books. But at least the book store has a coffee shop and those flashy books with pictures in em (magazines). Maybe a music store? I know a bit about music now, so maybe if a girl liked the same bands we could chat. How bout the mall? No... that place sucks. Just clothing/shoe stores, and a few food vendors and haircut places. Although I do need a haircut, new shoe laces, new jeans and shirts... but shoping is the last thing I want to do right now. Maybe I just need to do more stuff outside in general... find the working girl at a restaraunt, movie snack counter, fast food server.. just any place out of the vicinity of my office and apartment. Maybe I should try going back to the gym some. There were a few potential girls there that I just never had the opertunity to talk to. I could also try hanging at bars on the weekdays, but thats just a bit extreme. Plus I need to get away from those type of ppl.
So this is the plan for tonight. Call Jes and if shes not there again then I will go out on my own. First I should get a change of clothes and go to the gym, play with my parents dog while im out there, and talk to any chicks that are there if I can. Then head home change again and go to the mall. There i can hit the music store, get some clean shoe laces, buy a couple shirts and some jeans, and then get a haircut if there is a hot hairsylist. After that I'll go to books a million and browse a couple magazines, and then run off to walmart to buy the groceries that I need to survive another month. By that time I should have like 3 girlfriends and a baby on the way!
BUT if im lucky, Dwayne will come in, fix my computer before the day is over, and I won't have to put up with any of that. Hehe.
Whatcha think?
Listening to: Punk at work, XM the rest of the time :D
Watching: a blank computer screen
Playing: Solitare at work, MUST FIX MY PUTER!
Feeling: hopeless
Daily Goal: mainly to get things done, but I want some digits if I can get that lucky
Weekly Goal: spend my freetime productively. It doesn't matter how!
Relationship Status: (blank, for a reason)
Am suddenly wanting: show someone affection.... I have so much to give
Birds are dumb cause small bird brain
But so are kids and old people
Some birds talk most other sing
I don’t see you eating a talking bird
Pigs smell bad they roll in pooh
But so do kids and elderly
I don’t see you chop off an old man’s feet
Put them in a mason jar and pickle them
No chowder for you, cause clams have feelings too
Actualy they don’t have central nervousness
No manhatten style, clams have the right to smile
Come to think about it they don’t have a face
They have no face, no place for ears
There’s no clam eyes to cry clam tears
No spinal cord, they must get bored
Might as well just put them out of misery
I don’t believe it’s selfish to eat defenseless shellfish
No chowder for you clams have feelings too
It could happen to you, clams have feelings too
I don’t think they do, clams have feelings too
NOFX, clams have feelings too
Apparently someone hates me today. Last night I was getting ready to start working on my 3d project at home and my computer started to make some really ugly noises. Having heard this noise before I realized this was a very bad thing, especially since everything had immediately froze. I rebooted and opened my box to check where the sound was coming from, and it was as I feared..... my primary hard drive. So basically that means no more computer until it is fixed. Well luckily there is a guy next door from my office that can fix these kinds of things no sweat.... BUT I checked in and his assistant told me he would not be in until probably Wednesday. OH NOES! I hope I don't go crazy and jump off the 6th Avenue bridge by then.
And to add a real pain to my torture, I have been having the worst back pain in my entire life lately. My usual snap-crackle-pop methods of fixing my back are not working at all. Its excruciating, but I am the kind of person who just rides it out until it passes because I am either to lazy to do something about it, or just don't want to sound like a wimp and ask for help. It was bound to happen eventually. I have the worst posture ever. My office chair is so low and bent back that the whole chair can fit under my desk. Sometimes when I sit in it I am completely laid out with my shoulders and neck on the back rest, with my hands over my head to type and click. No one else can ever sit in it without making adjustments. My car seat is also laid back, and I hunch all of the time. That is what you would call a BAD habit!
I can't really bitch though.. It could have been much worse. I was able to sleep in until 2:30 Sunday. Not because I was wiped out from the trip to Memphis on Saturday, but just because I wanted to stay in bed. Since my computer was broken, I was able to get to sleep early enough to wake up on time this morning. I need to pull 8 hr days Monday-Wednesday to make up for taking Thursday and Friday off. I don't really want to take it off, but I have to. Some server maintenance guys are going to be at the office taking up my desk space. Hopefully by then, my computer will be ready to roll and I can work on my project or just play games. I can't imagine having a 4 day weekend without my computer! I might actually have to go to the gym or hang out with real people, or (dun dun duuuuuuun!) READ! I read a little last night before bed.
note: I am not a reader. I prefer games and movies over books. I would watch the worse movie ever made before I would read the best book ever written. I do plenty of reading online with all of the forums, chatrooms, game text, blogs, ect that I visit daily. It may be the butured version of the English language, but I could care less about that.
The Memphis trip was about as fun as a 40k tournement could get. All 3 games were enjoyable and the carpool was a hoot too, even though everyone inside was twice my age. It kinda made me want to get back into it and I am even considering starting a new GW game called Gothic (space fleet combat). It has also given me new motivation to work on my project, although that might die out before I get my computer back.
Anywho, it's time to start the work day. There is plenty to do. ttyl!
So now that I am the official XM guy at the office, they have been throwing all of the tech support issues with customers at me. That means I answer phone calls, talk to customers in the showroon and be the person to call technical support if there is an issue. Ooodles of fun! I had my first major issue today already. I spent about 4 hours working on one problem from a customer. He was very understanding and patient while I did everything I could to deal with the issue. I was on the phone about 6 times with the xm technical support where they gave me conflicting answers each time. But in the end, I solved his problem, as well as the 2 problems that sprouted out of it from the xm support. He left satisfied and wanted to come back to me if he ever had any problems instead of calling xm tech support. So what I am saying is that it was an excellent experience because I learned a lot about the product compatability, and other techniocal support issues. And to top things off, I got to open up our first MIFi and play with it. If we get that subscribed and I get to run around and test it, its going to be awsome. There is so many things it can do, I can't wait to play with it! Not much has happened out of work. I need to get up at 5:30 tommorow so I can go to the tournament in Memphis. It should be fun although I am not too excited about it. I haven't play 40k in several weeks now. Im especially not excited about getting up so early. But that also means that I wont be going to the bar tonight or tommorow, although i really want too. First I need to make a tournment army list and pack it up. then I will head out and listen to the band playin at shakers, choi!
pocatello, idaho: "punk rock?!?!?! isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and knives?"
new york, ny: "you guys were so awesome tonight. well actually, i'm too drunk to remember your set, but you're my favorite band...hee-hee"
"right on", that's the phrase, to the fucked up stupid things you say, we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"
newark, nj: "if you guys think america's so bad, why don't you move to russia?"
los angeles, ca: "what do you mean you don't drink? drinking's my entire life. you gotta start drinking!"
"right on", that's the phrase, to the fucked up stupid things you say, we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"
pittsburgh, pa: "anti-flag? that doesn't mean anti the american flag, does it...?"
right on!!!
Well I finally played with the template to make my blog a little more personal. It went with the same theme as my XM radio website. Although it kinda feels a little ronold mc'donaldish to me. I'll get over it.
Yesterday I went and saw Oceans 12 with my brother. It was the 9:50 show and noone else was in the theater. I don't blame them though.. its a crappy place. The seats are worse then the back seats in my car, and the screen is concave and skewed. Not to mention the projector is a lint factory and the surround sound is more like surround SUCKS! hehe ok thats the most cleaver thing I could think of, but it still fits. The movie was a riot... I would like to buy it when it gets on DVD. The clerk at the snack counter was a girl I remember from highschool. I always thought she was attractive. I would have gone and said hi, but she was on the phone. I am going to have to come back to the Crapmike theater just to say hi. From what I remember from HS she is the right kind of girl I am looking for. It helps me realize that they are out there, I just need to be outside to find em! err duh, lol.
So yesterday was a bit of a sucess. I actually woke up and came in at about 9:15. I would have been on time but there was something good on TIVO when I ate breakfast. I brought my cds and headphones and listening actually helped me concentrate on the job. Unfortunatly I didn't actually get started until after lunch.... so it was a bit of a waiste. So it helped me concetrate, just not on what I needed to be doing. I still have to find a way to shorten my "settling in" phase when i come to work. After lunch tho I did about 3 days worth of work, so that balanced out, heh. Nothing special happened after work...
So today I got up at normal late time and here I am at work. I hope to get as much work done today as i did yesterday. We shall see. :P I need to call jes today or tommorow to see if she wants to hang out.... but I already have WoW plans for both evenings.
Tommorow should be the same story since I am trying to keep busy. I want to try for 9-5 again. Im gonna make so much money this next pay check! :D
One thing i didnt mention about being at the bar saturday was that when bron and brie were having issue with their x-friend, the x-friend's friend passed me when I was going to the bathroom and slurred out the words "hey gay boy" She was a total drunken biatch and I didn't really take her words to heart but it still makes me think, wtf. Why do ppl always think I am gay?! It's sad that I have been hit on by guys more then I have been hit on by girls... so wtf... what is it about me?! I am not even one of those metrosexual guys who dress and act like a typical gay person. I mean, sure I am sensitive and caring and don't act like a typical jackass male, but I likes me the ladies! Anyway, i guess that is something I need to work on because I don't want my potential perfect girl to even think for a second that "If he was gay I know the perfect guy for him." Because I have heard that shit too.
Although I think a "hey nerd boy" would hav hurt my feelings even more. Later that night that girl smarted off to just about every one of the regulars and is now hated by all. They call her leatherface because she has one of those real god awful mega tans.
Now a quick disclaimer.. Please understand that I have nothing against gay people. I never hesitate to be their friend any more then I would with a straight guy or girl. I just don't want to be, or be mistaken for a homosexual.
Also a good thing to note was that I only drank 3 beers that night and then started drinking coke! On purpose! *GASP*
My dreams have been having the same general theme lately. They always end with some catastrophic event like a flood, earthquake or volcanic explosion. Its terrifying and I usualy wake up with my heart racing... But why would my subconcious try to give me a heart attack everynight?! Is it preparing me for the future?? Is it trying to kill me?? Or is it the only way it could think of to get my lazy ass out of bead?! If its not the end of the world in my dream then it usually ends by me getting |--| close to some lovin' which is interupted by my alarm going off and waking me up. My subconsious is so MEAN!
So I had another typical weekend.
Nothing came up friday so I played games until about 8 and then rode around for like an hour just listening to music. I went to the bar and they had a boring alternative band + noone was there + i felt tired and unhappy, so I just went home at like 10:30 and played more games. Saturday I slept in and played games when i woke up. At about 8 i left to do the same thing as Friday. Just rode around for an hour and went to the bar. Some guy I went to highschool with saw me and wanted me to hang out with his friends, but they were all drunk and obnoxious. I really shouldn't go to the bar to meet ppl, lol! I wanted to go to Huntsville and listen to a good band, but when i mentioned it they said they wanted to come. I would have gone but bron and brie came in so i ditched the drunk guys and hung with those 2 for the rest of the night. There was some entertaining drama going on between bron, brie, and their friend that almost led to a fight so I stuck around to see how that worked out. Then we went to the waffle house and ate, and then i went home. I need to just go straight to hville next time, OR just find some better public place to hang out. Sunday I played WoW from 11am-3am straight. I admit it was a blast, but just another waisted day.
Now I am at the office.... its 20 till closing and I haven't done an ounce of work. Tonight I hope to keep busy and only play WoW for a bit and then go to sleep early. Tommorow morning I will get up real early and get to work and work a full day to catch up. I've got to do this if i want to be successful in this buisness adventure. I tend ot work better when music is playing... it clears my mind from all of the constant background noises. So with that in mind I will bring my new headphones from christmas, and some cd's. If i can actually WORK work from 9-5 tommorow it will be quite an acomplishment. Working for my mom on my own schedule without any supervision and full access to the internet for the past 3 years has really hurt my work ethics. I am sure you can imagine!
cya tommorow.. hopefully after work tho!
Listening to: XM Squizz as always
Watching: the clock!
Playing: WoW.. i have become addicted to it yet again
Feeling: motivated for no reason at all
Daily Goal: get to sleep by midnight
Weekly Goal: get some real work done at the office. 9-5 biatch!
Relationship Status: fuck it.. i've tried everything
Am suddenly wanting: to make myself proud... and my mom too.
I have been offerend from my bossmom to be promoted from just a web developer to management over the XM Radio line of the buisiness. That would mean I would be dealing with setting prices, keeping stock, keeping track of promo's ect. Currently I know very little about it but my bossmom is more then happy to teach me the secrets of buisiness. She is a workaholic and for the past 8 years she has sucessfully run the show for the entire company so she is more then happy to show me what she does to make it work.
I really like XM and I need the money so right now I am going for it. I have always felt number crunshing tasks as extra boring, and I am worried that I will end up a work-aholic my my mom.... but I guess thats not a terrible thing. On top of that my normal web job is in need of work so if I could just wake myself up early enough I could be working more then 30 hours a week for a change.
So yesterday was much better then I was expecting. My friend Ri (abreviated cuz its secret!) called me after work and wanted to go bullshit like we normally do. So after I got my groceries I met him over at Eds house and we went off to huntsville to eat at Cheeseburger Cheeseburger. It was good catching up since we havent hung out in weeks, plus talking to someone other then myself was just what I needed. After that we went to Best Buy where Ed bought Troy on DVD because he thought it was a good movie when he rented it. I never saw it so i borrowed it and watched it after we called it a night.
And he was right.. that movie was a lot better then what I was expecting. I like the way they told both sides of the war and showed how kingdoms of people who were so alike faught over the stupidest of things. It gave a sense of honor and respect even between enemies that I have never seen before. Plus the action scenes were quite good and the heros in the movie were spectacular. The only problem was that the one guy who should have died never did... I guess I shouldn't spoil it but if you saw it then you know who I am talking about.
Now its Friday!I hope something comes up... no reason to go crazy this weekend.
...that a person who has been building web pages for a few years would be able to make a fancy look for his blog. If nothing better happens tonight then that will be my goal.
So yesterday I got my car back from the dealership and didn't check it out until this morning in the daylight. It looked like the leak was fixed but something was missing. They didn't put my carpet back in! I have to go pick it up after I get off work... aparently the technitian left it out to dry and didn't know I picked up the car. Ok so that was a boring story, but it was the most exciting thing that happened this week.
Well I called Jess yesterday but she was busy with company so we didn't talk long. She said I could come watch the movie with her another time, so thats cool. I just don't know if i she is just being nice but is getting anoyed by me calling her all of the time, or if she really wants to be my friend. I suppose I could just wait until she called me but my money is on that never happening. Noone I ever give my number too calls me. And that is really annoying, and makes me sad.
I could really use a girlfriend right about now. Mainly because my shoulder is friggin killing me and I desperatly need a massage. Thats what I am really looking for. Someone who would do whatever I wanted to please me, because that is how I would treat them. I did so much for Julie to make her happy... I think I deserve someone who shows me the same affection. Of course back massages are only one of the many things I miss about having a girlfriend... right now i could just use some cheering up.
Listening to: some silly '12 days of christmas' song from fans of WoW PURE SILLYNESS!
Watching: for a girl
Playing: I have neglected WoW for a while...maybe I'll play that tongiht.
Feeling: pain in my shoulder...and in my heart
Daily Goal: make my blog look better
Weekly Goal: Still need to meet more people. It sucks being anti-social and stuck in the middle of dullsville
Am suddenly wanting: a guide to happyness
I was browsing blogs and ran across
Its nothing interesting to me, but I just wanted to give credit to the person who I am stealing their little daily message thingy at the end of her post.
So I will just go straight to that...
Listening to: some techno music that a friend is working on. Its actually pretty good and im not a huge techno fan..
Watching: Napoleon Dynomite hopefully tonight. I need a good laugh
Playing: With any luck I wont be gaming tonight.. but most likely i'll be playing Counterstrike
Feeling: Lonely.. i need to be around other ppl, just to bullshit and talk with someone other then myself
Daily Goal: Call Jess and borrow Napoleon Dynomite. hopefully she will want to watch it with me.
Weekly Goal: Find a place to meet new ppl. Just because its dark, doesn't mean i have to go home.... I'm not 11!
Relationship Status: Jess is just a friend but I hope to persue that friendship some more since I just met her.
Am suddenly wanting: to buy some subs for my car.. something cheap tho.
Yea, i think I need a new picture. I look like a bum! Noone wants to read the blog of a bum! Except maybe another bum who wants to talk to bums....I have this great big dimple on my left cheek that needs some camera time, but it takes me like 20 pictures to get one I like! :-P
So today I had to get up early (well 9am is early for a bum like me) and take my car to the Ford dealership. My trunk has been taking in water for like a year now. I tried to fix it on my own with some goo in the place I though the leak was coming in, but then I left out the screws that held in my tail light. One of which ended up in my rear tire when I backed out of the driveway. After I got new screws it still leaked and then I finaly bit the bullet and took it to the shop today. Hopefully they wont charge a fortune to fix a tiny leak, but amost anything is worth getting rid of the smell of mildew in my car and water damage to anything I put in my trunk. It's not very attractive. Then I can finaly get some new speakers without the threat of shorting them out.
After the van service took me to work I talked to my Mom (slash boss) about the new XM Radio web design. So I've been working on that while sifting through other peoples blogs to see if there is anyone I can relate too. If anyone reads this.. is there some kind of filter to keep from going to ad blogs and foreign blogs. I just want to talk to English speaking people that aren't trying to sell me anything other then their opinion.
Gawd im hungry.. and I can't drive to get fast food cuz my car is in the shop. Maybe I can steal the Expedition from ma. I'll go try that.. cya tommorow
I've been thinkin (yea it happens) about how much I things have changed since d-day. Thats my little nick name for the day i was dumped and became free of my ex-girlfriend. I hung out with my friends a lot on weekdays and we just liked to bullshit around and drive a half hour just for a good burger or some of that cold stone icecream. Eddie and Richard both have girlfriends so they spend time with them on friday and saturday nights, which was one of the reasons I went out to the bars on those nights. I've become a regular... lots of ppl there know my name and I've actually made some friends and hooked up with a girl. Its not like its the greatest thing in the world... I would quit all of that just for a steady girlfriend to spend time with on the weekend. Although I would still have to stop by on occasion to rock out to the live bands..... and of course drink da beer.
So there is this girl.. We have the same kind of sense of humor and have some things in common, but a lot that isn't. I can talk to her real easy on the phone or in person about whatever and she's quite hot and knows it. I definetly like to hang out with her as a friend, but I doubt we would make a good couple. She seems very friendly but I can tell that im not her type either.
*** Sorry to interupt this blog, but here is an important news update***
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